March 4, 2022 | Country Dancing Tonight | Newsletter #2
Line Dance Spreadsheets Anyone?
Recently on a great night out dancing someone mentioned a very specific number of line dances that they knew. It was in the 300s. It cracked me up and got my attention.
She was very specific and passionate about this number, maybe it was like 338 or something.
Then she went on to say how they were all listed in a spreadsheet! This is the second person who’s told me they did this.
I’m thinking I should try to start that practice. I have no idea how many line dance lessons I’ve taken or how many I really know. I do know it’s nowhere near 300!
So, I guess this is a thing! I’ll be starting my spreadsheet soon! But speaking of line dance lists, that is something I’ve tried to do with my blog. My most popular blog post every month is among these.
And this month I have a new one:
14 Best Wedding Line Dances – All Time Fun Favorites
This was a pretty easy list to put together with your basic Cupid Shuffle etc., but check it out! #14 is pretty cool!
Also, check out my other line dance lists if you haven’t already seen them!
2021 HOT Line Dances We Can’t Get Enough Of!
20 Beginner Line Dances You Need to Know!
50 Popular Line Dances that Everyone Loves!
10 Rap Songs You Can Line Dance To
Julia Wetzel, Line Dance Choreographer Shares Her Favorite Line Dances!
March Southern California Dancing News:
Today, March 4, begins the great Southern California dance event The Edge created and organized by Adia Nuno & Byran Roberson. It will be at the California Ranch Company in Temecula, CA.
Check it out! And if you are in the area and interested there’s still time to come and sign up get single day or all weekend passes!
The Edge Dance Event Home Page
The Edge is a 3-day workshop event that will include lessons for Line Dancing, Two Step, Country Swing, Dance Styling & Technique, Brazilian Zouk & West Coast Swing. In addition, there will be Live Music, Open Dancing, Performances, Competitions, Raffles & Giveaways!
This looks to be a very fun and exciting weekend for So. Cal. Dancers! And it’s on! Rain or Shine!
The Stagecoach Dance Contest!
Lastly, as mentioned last month the Stagecoach contests in So. Cal. are on and still continuing! I got out to 6 of them and the dance floor energy was fantastic. Such a fun thing to see everyone competing, but mainly having fun expressing their passion for dance!
And there’s still a few more opportunities to compete and win those Stagecoach concert passes!
Tonight, March 4, in Sacramento at Stoney’s
March 9, Wednesday at The Canyon Club in Agoura Hills
March 12, Saturday at The Fantasy Springs Resort & Casino in Indio
Check out the post on it for more details and what dances to know!
WRITERS NEEDED! Also, for my country dancing blog, I am also on the lookout to hire writers to help me put out some good, helpful content for the dance community!
So, looking for writers and even suggestions for the blog in general!
Thanks for reading!